Exam Focus
Exam Focus is a media-rich course that prepares upper-secondary students to succeed in the University Entrance Exam while at the same time building their language and real-world skills.
La matèria de Llengua Estrangera - Anglès contribueix a l'adquisició de les diferents competències clau en el Batxillerat i, de manera directa, participa en la consecució de la competència plurilingüe, que implica l'ús de diferents llengües de manera apropiada i eficaç per a l'aprenentatge i la comunicació.
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Exam Focus is a media-rich course that prepares upper-secondary students to succeed in the University Entrance Exam while at the same time building their language and real-world skills.
Gold Experience 2nd Edition is an engaging, media-rich course for teenage students which prepares them for Cambridge for Schools exams while motivating students to build the language and skills they need in class and in the world beyond school.