Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) is the stage that aims to ensure that students acquire the basic elements of culture, especially in its humanistic, artistic, scientific and technological aspects. As well as develop and consolidate in them study and work habits. Discover the programs and projects with which to achieve these objectives with all the necessary resources for it.

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Gen Lector - Lecturas Recomendadas

Grupo Anaya pone a la disposición docentes y familias una serie de recursos para desarrollar planes lectores que acompañen a los alumnos y alumnas en todas las etapas educativas. Descubre aquí la selección de lecturas recomendadas para Bachillerato. Navega por Gen Lector para configurar tu itinerario lector filtrando por etapa/ciclo y temática.

Gold-Experience-2nd Edition

Gold Experience 2nd Edition

Gold Experience 2nd Edition is an engaging, media-rich course for teenage students which prepares them for Cambridge for Schools exams while motivating students to build the language and skills they need in class and in the world beyond school.


Exam Focus

Exam Focus is a media-rich course that prepares upper-secondary students to succeed in the University Entrance Exam while at the same time building their language and real-world skills.


Liteca: la plataforma de lectura de Grupo Anaya

Liteca es una herramienta imprescindible para el profesorado que quiera fomentar la lectura y optimizar la comprensión lectora del alumnado. Esta herramienta multidispositivo de fácil implementación y funcionamiento hace compatible la evaluación escolar de las lecturas con el placer por leer. Se adapta a cualquier plan lector y potencia las estrategias que ya tienes en funcionamiento: desde las lecturas obligatorias hasta la lectura libre.