Plastic, Visual and Audiovisual Education

The subject of Plastic, Visual and Audiovisual Education in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) integrates all the dimensions of the image: plastic, photographic, cinematographic and media; as well as its shape, which varies according to the materials, tools and formats used. The plastic, visual and audiovisual arts are directed towards the acquisition of a thought that takes shape in forms, acts and artistic productions and that has the ability to generate original proposals responding to the needs of the individual.

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Operación Mundo

Operación Mundo es el proyecto educativo de Anaya Educación para Secundaria de la nueva Ley de Educación LOMLOE. Descubre las claves y muestras de los materiales. Para el curso 2024-2025 se incorporan nuevos materiales para la asignatura de Biología y Geología en castellano y valenciano, adaptados al currículo de la Comunitat Valenciana con nueva secuenciación de los saberes básicos y cambios curriculares.