Spanish Language and Literature

The objective of the subject of Spanish Language and Literature of the Baccalaureate is oriented both to the communicative efficiency in the production, reception and oral, written and multimodal interaction, as well as to favor an ethical use of language that puts words at the service of democratic coexistence. , the negotiated resolution of conflicts and the construction of personal and social ties based on respect and the equal rights of all people.

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Operación Mundo

Operación Mundo es el proyecto educativo de Anaya Educación para Bachillerato de la nueva Ley de Educación LOMLOE. Descubre las claves.


Proyecto Algaida LOMLOE

Proyecto Algaida LOMLOE es un proyecto educativo LOMLOE para Bachillerato diseñado por Algaida Editores. Descubre aquí las claves y todos los materiales para poner en marcha este proyecto educativo.