Catholic religion

With its identity and nature, the subject of Catholic Religion, in line with the aims of the Baccalaureate, favors the educational process of the students, contributing to their integral formation and the full development of their personality. It specifically proposes to contribute to the maturation of the personal and professional project, with freedom and responsibility, in dialogue with Christian anthropology and its principles and social values.

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Nuevo Atrio

Nuevo Atrio es el nuevo proyecto de Anaya Educación para Religión Católica de Bachillerato, totalmente adaptado al currículo actual de la Conferencia Episcopal.


Suma Piezas

Suma Piezas es el proyecto de Anaya para ESO y Bachillerato sustentado en el aprendizaje competencial y en el desarrollo de compromisos del alumnado con la realidad de su tiempo