Your World Andalusia Edition
Build your learners' confidence with English skills for life!
Your World Andalusia Edition prepares teenagers for their life ahead. Aligned with the LOMLOE, it equips them with the competences and the skills they need to enjoy their social lives, pursue their studies and succeed in their careers citizens of the world.
Why choose Your World?

- Inspires learners to enthusiastically engage with English in authentic contexts using videos from the BBC, interviews with real people, humorous situations, and more.
- Encourages learners to promote responsible global citizenship including projects and resources with a focus on global challenges.
- Develops learners’ reading skills for pleasure through explicit focus on building reading skills, together with extensive reading sections.
- Builds students’ digital competence with a fully integrated digital offer, including online practice and collaborative activities.
- Offers enhanced support and extra teaching resources for your Secondary classes through Pearson Live, an exclusive service for schools adopting Your World.
Project keys
Inclusion and mixed-ability in the classroom
Inclusion and diversity are completely integrated in Your World through collaborative projects, pairwork and groupwork tasks, visual presentations of target vocabulary, and BBC Culture videos.
Your World offers enhanced support for personalising learning for mixed ability classes. The wide range of support materials enables teachers to respond to the needs of all students, whatever their ability, so that every student can achieve their potential.
Components for students

- Students' Book with Interactive Students' Book and Digital Resources.
- Vocabulary app with fun activities of the vocabulary from each unit.
- Extra Online Practice with additional practice and reference material to review and recycle the course content.
Components for the teacher

- LOMLOE Handy Guide with references to competences, Learning Experiences (Situaciones de Aprendizaje) and Teaching Programmes aligned to the new curriculum.
- Mediation Worksheets to ensure students practise and develop essential skills such as summarizing, explaining, and translating information.
- Comprehensive assessment package to cater for different skills, needs and abilities, enabling every student to feel included and to benefit from the learning experience.
- Plus...
- Teacher’s Book
- Digital resources
- Presentation tool
- Pearson Live
- Also available for your Students:
- Workbook, extra language and skills practice to consolidate and extend course content.
- Essentials, simpli ed version of the Students’ Book to support students who work at a different pace.
Discover a sample of the different components of Your World Andalusia Edition.

Discover Your World materials for students: The Students’ Book, the Interactive Students’ Book and Workbook...